“One of the most amazing, incredible performances I have ever experienced! Food was delicious!”

– Kimberly H.

“Teatro ZinZanni brings whirlwind of international cirque, comedy, cabaret, spectacle, live music and fine dining.”

-ABC7 Chicago

“There’s nothing like top-drawer aerialists and contortionists…to take your mind off your troubles.”

-Chicago Sun-Times

“An immersive show with cirque, cabaret, music, magic, comedy, aerialists, dinner and cocktails, all inside a lavish mirror tent.”

-Chicago Sun-Times

“HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Perfect for grown-ups–but also completely family friendly.”


“Teatro ZinZanni is back! Vocally strong, sensuality more defiant and the fun richer than ever. Circus and old school vaudeville is a fine healer!”

-Chicago Tribune

“Such a beautiful and amazing show! I can’t say enough good things! Every single performance left me speechless.”

-Savannah J.

“…an entertainment blending the European circus. Weimar cabaret, Parisian burlesque and a few excursions to vaudeville.”

  -Chicago Tribune

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