Duo 19 is made up of Oliver Parkinson and Cassie Cutler, a dynamic trapeze duo taking over the world one theater at a time. Together they push the boundaries of aerial technique to create an act known for its eye-catching tricks and enthralling style.
Oliver is a former MMA champion with a PhD in medicinal chemistry. An overachiever to his core, he became a flying trapeze catcher, a duo trapeze porter and ever since, has toured the world upside down.
Cassie grew up doing gymnastics in Los Angeles, and realized early on that she never wanted to stop flipping. Since then, she’s toured with Pippin the Musical, worked with Circus Roncalli and Circus 1903, just to name a few.
Together, they have traveled the world performing with companies such as: Bacio Rosso, Circus Monti, Circus Sarasota and Palazzo. They are thrilled to be back at Teatro Zinzanni for their second season.